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SWBA is asking you to let us know what is happening in and around your business on a monthly basis so we can help address and improve safety for the district. We believe that there are more incidents happening than we see within the city reported data, and want a more accurate picture to use to lobby for better protection in the district. We'll be using the information provided to have discussions with the 5th Precinct, our Council Members, and key members of the press to keep pressure on our elected officials to do something about the safety concerns we have.

Please help us by taking a couple of minutes to respond. Your answers will be kept confidential unless we first ask permission to share identifying details with any outside organizations.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Business Name:

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* 3. Business Corner/Node:

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* 4. How many of your business neighbors do you know?

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* 5. How strong is the sense of community around your business?

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* 6. Overall, how safe do you feel in the district?

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* 7. Did any of the following happen at/near/to you in the last month that you are aware of?

  To my shop/me/an employee To my business neighbor/their employee To a client/customer To a nearby resident
Commercial Robbery
Commercial Burglary
Package/Delivery Theft
Motor Vehicle Theft
Individual Robbery

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* 8. Please provide details about any incidents that have happened:

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* 9. Can we follow up with you?

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* 10. What is the best way to reach you?

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