2024 Mid-Year Staff Survey

1.Overall, how would you rate Page as a place to work based on your experience here as well as what you know of other companies?(Required.)
2.How  connected do you feel to your colleagues at Page?
3.How satisfied are you with your job at Page?
4.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I find purpose in my job at Page.
I have meaningful connections/relationships with my colleagues.
I feel recognized and appreciated for my contributions at Page.
I feel a sense of belonging within Page.
5.How well do you understand Page's organizational priorities?
6.How comfortable do you feel sharing ideas and opinions with your colleagues?
7.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I am clear about my job responsibilities and the end results that are expected of me in my job.
I am clear about the roles and responsibilities of other staff members at Page.
I believe my colleagues are clear about my role and job responsibilities at Page.
My colleagues step in to help me when asked.
I am not delayed on projects due to process-related issues.
The meetings I have each week are necessary for project completion.
8.How much autonomy do you feel you have to move forward on projects?
9.How would you rate Page on each of the following based on your experience here as well as what you know of other companies?(Required.)
Very good 
Very poor
Treating you with respect as an individual.
Your opportunity for advancement.
Supporting you with training and tools necessary to do your job.
Responding to your problems, ideas and complaints.
Having the guidance and resources needed to do your job.
10.How prepared do you feel to do your job?
11.How would you rate your current level of stress?
12.Which of the following work-related factors are causing you stress? Please select all that apply.
13.Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to complete on a daily basis? Please explain why or why not.
14.Do you feel comfortable taking time off from work? Please explain why or why not.
15.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Page is committed to my professional growth.
I have gained skills and capabilities through the training and development provided to me at Page.
My supervisor is committed to my professional growth and development while at Page and beyond.
I am proactive in seeking out professional development opportunities.
16.Have you taken part in a Page-led or external professional development training this year?
17.Do you view Page as a place where you can develop new skills that will help you in future roles?
18.How would you rate your immediate supervisor on each of the following?(Required.)
Very good 
Very poor
Providing information needed to do your job well.
Communicating the organizational priorities in a way that you understand them.
Encouraging your suggestions for improvement.
Responding to your problems, ideas and complaints.
Keeping you informed about Page-wide changes and initiatives.
Being able to pivot when necessary.
Helping you think about your growth and future advancement.
Providing guidance and coaching when you encounter challenges to help you overcome them.
19.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?(Required.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I would stay with Page even if offered a nearly identical job with slightly higher pay in another company.
I am treated fairly without regard to ethnicity, race, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
I am able to effectively balance my work and personal obligations.
20.To what extent do you believe Page employees exhibit the following values?
A great deal
An above average amount 
An average amount
Not too much 
Hardly any
No answer
Professionalism - being collegial, courteous and considerate of others.
Collaboration - embracing different points of view and empowering everyone to contribute.
Innovation - trying new things to add value and make our work better.
21.To what extent do you believe Page employees exhibit the following behaviors?
A great deal
An above average amount 
An average amount
Not too much 
Hardly any
No answer
Be conscientious.
Communicate with clarity and empathy.
Practice accountability.
Be open-minded and make space for others’ perspectives.
Be a good teammate.
Be a good coach.
Pursue real outcomes.
Seek continuous improvement.
Practice agility.
22.How can Page better support you?(Required.)
23.Which department do you work in?