
This brief six-question survey is to be completed by school psychologists who received one or more job performance reviews while in the role of school psychologist.

Please read the questions below and click on the appropriate button or type your response in the box based on your last job performance evaluation.  Individual responses to this survey will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 1. I am employed by a

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* 2. Who completed your job performance evaluation in your role as a school psychologist?

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* 3. What was the purpose of your job performance evaluation?

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* 4. What content standards was your performance as a school psychologist evaluated by?

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* 5. How much of your job performance review reflected school psychologist’s standards within the NASP 10 domains?

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* 6. Are the school psychologists in your district represented by a union/bargaining unit?

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* 7. Bonus opportunity question: We want to know how many and what type of schools and districts are represented in this survey. Please name the district/Local Educational Agency that employs you. If you are employed by a public charter school, please name the LEA that sponsors the charter school. If you are employed by a private charter school, parochial school, or non-public school please list the name of the school.  Thank you!