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* 1. Have you seen either of these logos before?

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* 2. If yes, where did you see either of these logos?

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* 3. I think about healthy choices when eating out.

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* 4. I purposefully chose healthy options when eating out.

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* 5. It would be helpful if restaurant menus highlighted healthy options for me.

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* 6. Eating healthy is important to me.

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* 7. Will you be looking for or ask for Eat Well menu items in the future?

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* 8. Have you ever eaten an Eat Well item at one of our partnering restaurants?

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* 9. If yes, what made you choose that item?

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* 10. How can we improve Eat Well Wichita County?

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* 11. Do you know of a restaurant that should be part of Eat Well?  If yes, please list:

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions or feedback to improve the Eat Well program?