Survey Invitation and Consent Form
My name is Paula Kensler, I am a graduate student in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Program at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center – New Orleans, School of Nursing. I am conducting an online research survey study as part of the requirements for my doctoral degree. The title of my study is The Relationships Between Nurse Team Members, Nurse Leaders, Perception of Stress, and Intent to Stay with Their Employer and Position.
The purpose of this study is to explore characteristics of nurse team members and nurse leaders, authentic leadership characteristics, the relationships between nurse team members and nurse leaders, and how nurses perceive their stress, and nurses’ intention to stay with their current employer and position, further their education, continue nursing practice, and retire. The findings of this study can be used to further support and guide leadership development and mentorship of nurses.
The study is an online research survey using SurveyMonkey®. I am inviting nurses (LPNs, RNs, APRNs) who are employed full or part time, and agency and travel nurses in a full or part time assignment in a healthcare delivery setting, in the United States to complete this survey. Your responses will contribute information to assist with answering the research questions of this study.
The research survey begins with general demographic questions about yourself and the healthcare delivery setting you are employed or have an agency or travel nurse assignment (22 questions). The next sets of questions ask about your leadership style, your relationship with your nurse leader, your perception of stress, and your intent to stay with your employer and position, further your education, continue practicing nursing, and retire (48 questions). The last three questions ask you to rate how positive your work environment is, rate how healthy your work environment is, and any comments you want to provide. Your participation is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. The data that are collected will be analyzed at a group level. There are no personal identifiers in this research survey. There are no foreseeable risks associated with participation in this study. If you experience any stress, you can call the Crisis Line at 1-800-749-2673.
There is no cost, except for your time, and no obligation to participate. You can stop completing the survey at any time. The identity of the participants cannot be known. If the results of this study are published, the participants’ identity cannot be known or identified in any way. The privacy of the participants is protected. Any questions regarding the study can be directed to the researcher, Paula A. Kensler (504-322-6332). Thank you for your consideration to participate in this online research survey!
Before beginning the online research survey, you will be asked to answer a question that addresses the option to either consent or not consent to participate in the study. Selecting the “I do agree and consent” option will be considered your consent to participate, and selecting the “I do not agree and I do not consent” option will be understood as your decision not to proceed with the study. The survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete; if needed, you can stop and return to the survey to finish.