Survey Introduction
18 SUNY community colleges have adopted the guided pathways essential practices in order to embrace integration of operations that focus on increasing student success. This framework is most valuable when all faculty can identify their roles in this college-wide effort. Pathways puts a high value on excellent teaching and faculty leadership. It suggests that our best efforts as educators require learning from each other to serve our students. 

To facilitate our work in guided pathways at both the college and System-level, we are planning Spring faculty "Light the Fire for Learning" activities. We would like your help in planning this activity. 

Your participation in this survey is anonymous. You will never be identified as a respondent nor will your answers be tied to you in any way. Your responses may be made public in SUNY reports, but they will be presented with no connection to you or to any information that might identify you. Thank you for your time and help.

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* 2. Teaching Discipline:

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* 3. How familiar are you with the guided pathways essential practices or pillars?

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* 4. In thinking about the average faculty member at SUNY, how familiar do you think most of your faculty colleagues are with the guided pathways essential practices or pillars?

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* 5. As we develop “Light the Fire for Learning” activities for faculty, we are developing a list of topics to be addressed. Please rank order the following topics. Which ones do you think are most important to address based on their value to you and other faculty? (Scale: 1 most important and 5 least important):

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* 6. What are we missing? Please review the list of topics you ranked above, and share any other topics you think would be important and valuable to address.

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* 7. If we were to hold one synchronous activity this Spring, please check your most convenient times:

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* 8. If we were to hold one synchronous activity this Spring, please share your feedback on the most convenient day and time of day:

  am pm

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* 9. What format would be most helpful for faculty-focused pathways activities? (please check all that apply)

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* 10. Please share any additional comments or thoughts or clarify any of your survey comments. Thank you!