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Experimental Filmmaking

The Reel Works Supported Summer Lab is a FREE experimental filmmaking program that provides community, support, and resources for neurodivergent NYC students as they explore storytelling through filmmaking. Students will use cameras and mobile devices, as well as professional editing software to explore storytelling and make their own short films! Student films will be featured at a screening event and on our Reel Works YouTube Channel.
The Supported Experimental Lab is part of Reel Works' mission to advance diversity and inclusion efforts in our community, as well as create and strengthen an inclusive culture for all people in the media industry. Reel Works is focusing on individual needs to provide multiple entry points to expression.
This workshop will have 2 lead Filmmaking Instructors with a Special Education background, as well as Reel Works peer mentors for 8 students.
We are looking for young aspiring artists who are interested in filmmaking, or the media entertainment industry, however, applicants are not required to have experience in film or media in order to be accepted into this program.
Applicants will be invited to meet with the Reel Works team, as part of a selection process, before entering the program, as we have limited spots. Legal Guardians/Parents are encouraged to support in filling out this application and are invited to the meet and greet. Please see below for eligibility requirements.

Application Deadline: June 4th at 11:59 PM EST
Workshop Meet and Greet Dates: Saturday June 8th, Thursday June 13th
Workshop Days & Times: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 PM- 5:30 PM
Tuesdays 12:30-5:30 PM
When: Starts July 8th & Ends July 31st

Questions? Feel free to reach out to

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* 1. Eligibility - Check all that apply:

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* 2. This workshop is for students who identify as neurodivergent, please self identify to move forward. For more information and clarification on neurodivergence click here.

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* 3. If "other", please self-identity.

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* 4. Contact Information

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* 6. If you’re currently enrolled, what school or community organization do you attend?
Write N/A if you are not enrolled.

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* 7. What are your preferred gender pronouns?

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* 8. Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?

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* 9. What race/ethnicity do you identify with?

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* 10. Did you grow up in a primarily single household?
Single-parent households have a sole adult living with at least one biological, step or foster child under age 18.

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* 11. Are you an English Language Learner?

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* 12. Have you participated in any Reel Works program or any non-Reel Works school or community engagement activity? Eg. Any film programs, classes, or trade schools
Please specify below.

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* 13. How did you hear about Reel Works?

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* 14. What motivated you to apply to this program?

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* 15. “Who are you?” Tell us something about you that you like about yourself. It can be something important. Something maybe others don't see.

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* 16. How do you like to spend your free time?

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* 17. Share about a movie or TV show that you have enjoyed watching? What's something that stands out to you?

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* 18. What's a sound that you like in the city? Something you’ve noticed and remembered. Feel free to share one that’s not on the list!

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* 19. Do you have any filmmaking experience? (No experience is necessary!)

No Experience with filmmaking Some Experience with filmmaking A lot of Experience with filmmaking
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 20. Please share any accommodations you may need for full access to the program, including the application and meet and greet processes, or that we can adopt in the classroom environment.

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* 21. We will be holding a meet and greet session to provide a space for you to share more about yourself, explore the space, and ask questions to our Education team.

What is your availability for a meet and greet? Please mark if this date and time works for you.
Reel Works: 540 President Street, Suite 2F, Brooklyn, NY 11215.

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* 22. Is there anything else you'd like to share or questions for our Education Team?

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