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* 1. How are you doing? Is there anything you need from your parish at this time? Need assistance with?

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* 2. If you have been attending Mass in-person since May, is there anything that would improve your experience?

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* 3. If you have been participating in the Mass Livestreams from our parish, is there anything that would improve your experience?

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* 4. Do you receive our weekly parish flocknote email on Fridays?

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* 5. If no, would you like to be added to our e-mail/text distribution list?

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* 6. Father Nickolai, Deacon Bill, Deacon Denny and the parish staff are praying daily for all parishioners of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne.  We also have an e-mail prayer chain. Are there any special prayer intentions you would like to share with us?

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* 7. Most of our parish events were either canceled or significantly altered in 2020 as a result of the pandemic. We look forward to getting back to all of these important events as soon as possible! To help the leaders of our parish organizations know the needs of our parish in 2021, please rate how interested you are in supporting each of the following parish events when they can safely resume (please check as many as you would like, and add your new ideas in the comment box).

  Not Interested  Somewhat Interested  Very Interested 
Fish Fry Fridays During Lent
Parish Festival 
Garage Sale
Dinner Auction
St. Vincent De Paul Chili Supper
Athletic Association Washer Tournament
Mens Club Nite at the Races
Variety Show
150 Club Dinner
Fall Festival

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* 8. Would you be willing to volunteer to help plan any of these parish events? 

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* 9. Would you like for someone from the parish to contact you by phone?

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* 10. If yes, at what phone number?

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* 11. Would you like to join the team of volunteers making phone calls to check on other parishioners?

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* 12. Do you have any other comments or questions for our parish?

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* 13. Your Name:

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* 14. E-Mail Address:

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