For each question below, select the correct multiple choice or check box to provide your answer.

You must complete the quiz for each day and get 100% of the answers correct to stay in the running for the prize, and you must include your name and email on each entry.

Question Title

* 1. True or False?: Research has demonstrated that the typical Western diet—high in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates— has been linked to poorer brain-states, like decreased hippocampal volume and increased rates of anxiety.

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* 2. A large body of evidence has confirmed that microbiota is an important player in the pathogenesis (development) of various neurological diseases including:

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* 3. A study of two large groups of Europeans found several species of gut bacteria, _______________ and _______________ are missing in people with depression. 

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* 4. Our enteric (gut) nervous system is made up of  ______________ that communicate through the same neurotransmitters as the central nervous system

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* 5. True or false: Promising evidence from animal studies have shown the short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) butyrate alters the activity of blood-brain barrier cells and can produce an “antidepressant-like effect” 

Question Title

* 6. Enter your information below to be in the running for the prize for most the correct answers: