Information Request

LeadingAge MIchigan has been in discussion with the Medicaid agency regarding a potential shortfall in current State FY 2017 provider tax program.  The State has claimed a shortfall of $ 8.5 million in provider tax.  In order for the association to continue discussions with MDHHS we need information from every member.

LeadingAge Michigan needs the following information from your Medicaid cost report worksheet B Supplemental Statistical and Fiscal Data for your fiscal periods in 2015 and 2016, and year to date for 2017 from your accounting records.

The data needs to show the following information for each reporting period.  The total inpatient days are actual days no adjustment for 85% occupancy.  Provide days of care by payor source as listed in the table below.   Complete only for those sources that apply, such as MI Health Link (MHL) Integrated Care Organizations (ICO) days are only 4 regions around the state.

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* 1. Facility Name

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* 2. Please answer the information based on your 2015 cost report

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* 3. Please answer the information based on your 2016 cost report

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* 4. Please answer the information based on your 2017 cost report (billed thru June)