Leadership, Purpose and Direction

Question Title

* 1. Our school leaders support student success.

Question Title

* 2. Are you aware that you can participate in the school improvement planning process?

Question Title

* 3. Our school communicates effectively about the school's goals and activities.

Interpersonal Relationships

Question Title

* 4. Adults in this school model the values of respect, responsibility and fairness for all stakeholders.

Question Title

* 5. When I visit the school, I feel welcome and my input is appreciated.

Question Title

* 6. My child's teacher(s) help me to understand my child's progress and my child's teacher(s) communicate effectively in a constructive manner.

Question Title

* 7. My child has at least one adult advocate in the school.

Facilities and Safety

Question Title

* 8. Our school maintains facilities that support student learning through cleanliness, order and appeal.

Question Title

* 9. Our school has clearly communicated rules and procedures to maintain student safety.

Question Title

* 10. Our school has clear and consistent enforcement of rules and norms for classroom management.

Question Title

* 11. My child feels safe at school.

Teaching and Assessing for Learning

Question Title

* 12. My child's needs are met by all of his or her teachers.

Question Title

* 13. My child sees a relationship between what is being taught and his or her everyday life.

Question Title

* 14. My child has access to and utilizes up-to-date technology at school.

Question Title

* 15. My child has access to the internet at home.

Question Title

* 16. I prefer to communicate with my child's teacher(s) via these preferred methods (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 17. I am informed of policies, processes and procedures related to grading and reporting.

Question Title

* 18. My child is prepared for success in the next school year (or for success in the next course(s) in their progression).

Resources and Support Systems

Question Title

* 19. I am aware that my school and district assists students and parents with attendance concerns.

Question Title

* 20. I am aware that my school and district provide the following service:
- Exceptional Student Education

Question Title

* 21. I am aware that my school and district provide the following service:
- School Resource Officer

Question Title

* 22. I am aware that my school and district provide the following service:
- Health Room

Question Title

* 23. I am aware that my school and district provide the following service:
- Social Worker

Question Title

* 24. I am aware that my school and district provide the following service:
- Psychologist

Question Title

* 25. Our school provides high quality support services from:
        - Administration

Question Title

* 26. Our school provides high quality support services from:
- School Counselors

Question Title

* 27. Our school provides high quality support services from:
- Student Services/Discipline

Open Ended Questions

Question Title

* 28. What do you like best about our school?

Question Title

* 29. What is one suggestion you would like to offer to improve our school?

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