Active Research: Efficacy for SSW Standard App Use

STEP 1: To participate in this study you must have downloaded the SCARED SO WHAT app from the app store on Apple or Android and HAVE USED THE ENTIRE APP.
This survey does NOT capture personal identifiable information. You must be over the age of 18 to participate. Participation affirms that you are fully engaging voluntarily and understand that since we do not collect identifiable information, your participation results cannot be withdrawn.
The world’s 1st personal change model was developed in 2019 as part of a master’s program on leading sales transformation. Since then, the model and framework have been put into the first personal change app technology for people to learn and manage personal change in the palm of their hands. We would like your participation in this research to learn if the model is supportive as displayed in the app to help you achieve your goals and ability to manage personal change. Thank you for your participation as it can help yourself and countless others.
Study Expires 01.01.2026.

Question Title

* 1. Are you aware of the requirements above and you affirm you are over the age of 18 and enter into this research survey voluntarily? If you answer NO, then STOP HERE - Your submission will not be accepted.

Question Title

* 2. Did the app allow you to learn what is personal change?

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* 3. In using the app, were the videos on personal change, SCARED Quiz, SO WHAT template, easy and simple for you to understand their messaging?

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* 4. Was the layout and format of the app simple for you to use?

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* 5. Did you find the navigation of the app easy to understand and use?

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* 6. After using the app, Do you now understand what personal change is?

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* 7. SCARED:  Was the SCARED quiz easy or difficult for you to use?

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* 8. SCARED:  Was the SCARED quiz helpful for you to understand how you feel about your personal change situation?

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* 9. SCARED: Did the outcome of your results surprise you?

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* 10. SCARED:  Did the outcome of your results meet your expectations?

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* 11. SCARED:  Was the display of your results helpful for you to understand your feelings?

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* 12. SCARED:  Would you use the SCARED quiz again for another change?

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* 13. SCARED:  What did you like about the SCARED quiz?

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* 14. SCARED:  What did you NOT LIKE about the SCARED quiz?

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* 15. SCARED: Overall how would you rate the SCARED quiz by itself?

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* 16. SO WHAT:  where you able to make a SO WHAT plan?

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* 17. SO WHAT: Did the SO WHAT template help you to understand and make your own actions for your change?

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* 18. SO WHAT:  Was the SO WHAT template helpful for you to manage your change?

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* 19. SO WHAT: Was the display of the SO WHAT template easy to use?

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* 20. SO WHAT: How likely would you use the SO WHAT template again for another change?

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* 21. SO WHAT:  What did you like about the SO WHAT template?

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* 22. SO WHAT: What did you NOT like about the SO WHAT template?

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* 23. Do you have a preference to use one portion of the model or the other?

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* 24. How likely are you to recommend the SCARED SO WHAT model for your family, friends, or colleagues?
1 star = NOT LIKELY & 10 stars = HIGHLY LIKELY

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* 25. Do you believe that SCARED SO WHAT can be used as a coaching tool?

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* 26. Do you agree that leaders should learn how to use the SCARED SO WHAT model to support their teams?

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* 27. Do you believe SCARED SO WHAT should be used at Work, School, or within an organization to make change management inclusive of your wants and needs?

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* 28. Any final comments and or recommendations on the model or the app?

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* 30. If you answer yes to opt in for email / prize drawings, please give your full name and email address below so that we may contact you.