Given the current social climate and current violent events that we’re all witnessing every other day, we've decided to engage ACF’s community in a dialogue.

There’s no one single thing that’s the solution to transitioning us from where we are right now. There are several systems, laws and policies that need to change in order to unpollute the system. What can we do? Where do we start. It's such an overwhelming situation that leaves a feeling hopeless.

But if we all present our collective lists of things that need to change to those we have elected as officials and demand the change that's needed to STOP the STUPID, this is where we will start. Because we are mighty in numbers!

Please share with us via this survey and dialogue with us on the open forum on our website.

“If you had to make a list of three solutions or places to start working on regarding correcting what’s happening right now, what would they be?”

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Thanks for your input!

We’ll share the results in our August enewsletter and via social media.