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Through Bike Cleveland's recently launched Safe & Equitable Access to Cleveland's East Side Lakefront Parks, Marinas and Trail initiative, we are checking in with folks like you from the St. Clair Superior neighborhood to discuss if and how you use Cleveland Metroparks East Side Lakefront Parks, how you get there, and how the conditions along existing neighborhood connectors--East 55th and East 72nd Streets--impact your park use. Help us gather ideas on how to make your neighborhood park connections safer and more inviting!

This project is a partnership among Bike Cleveland, St. Clair Superior Development Corporation, and the Cleveland Metroparks.

Question Title

* 1. How often do you visit the E. 55th Marina & E. 72nd Lakefront Parks?

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* 2. What prevents you from visiting them?

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* 3. How do you get there when you do visit?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsure/Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied
how easy it is to get to these parks?
how safe do you feel getting to these parks?
on the conditions/upkeep of streets and sidewalks on your route?
the appearance of the areas on your route to the parks?

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* 5. What is your zip code

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* 6. Any additional comments you'd like to share about accessing the E. 55th Marina & E. 72nd Lakefront Parks?

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* 7. If you'd like to be updated on this project or learn about future engagement opportunities share your name and email/phone below

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