Thank you for completing this survey. The estimated completion time is 5-10 minutes. You are welcome to remain anonymous in your response. Your voice will help us to continue improving SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles.

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* 1. What are your pronouns?

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* 2. City

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* 3. State / Province

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* 4. Name of SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle(s) you attend (i.e. SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle in Victoria)

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* 5. In your opinion, what monetary value does one Sharing Circle hold?

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* 6. Overall, how would you rate your local SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle?

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* 7. How would you rate the available times of the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle?

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* 8. On average, how many people attend the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle you participate in?

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* 9. Overall, how would you rate your comfort level in regards to the size of the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle?

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* 10. How would you rate the frequency of the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle?

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* 11. Overall, how would you rate the accessibility of the venue? 

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* 12. Overall, how would you rate the environment (cleanliness, aesthetics, physical space, security) of the venue?

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* 13. Overall, how important is the volunteer facilitation to your experience? (SHE RECOVERS Certified Professional)

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* 14. Overall, how important are the other participants to your experience? 

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* 15. As a result of attending SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles, what level of understanding do you have in regards to participating within a trauma-informed space?

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* 16. As a result of attending SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles, what level of understanding do you have in regards to the SHE RECOVERS intentions and guiding principles?

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* 17. As a result of attending SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles, How likely are you to become a SHE RECOVERS volunteer?

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* 18. On average, how often do you attend a SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circle?

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* 19. How comfortable overall do you feel while attending a SHE RECOVERS Circle?

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* 20. Have you hired or sought out additional support from a SHE RECOVERS Certified Professional (such as a SHE RECOVERS Coach or Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher) a result of attending their voluntarily facilitated Sharing Circle?

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* 21. In your opinion, in addition to gathering in person, how important is the ability to attend local Sharing Circles online?

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* 22. How did you hear about SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles?

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* 23. Do you participate in other recovery-focused and peer-driven spaces? Check all that apply.

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* 24. What components of the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles make these gatherings unique, welcoming, and supportive? Check all that apply.

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* 25. In your opinion, has attending the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles helped improve your human and physical capital in any of the following areas? Check all that apply.

* Questions 25-27 are about recovery capital. Recovery Capital is the internal and external resources needed for an individual to not only initiate but maintain recovery from substance use and mental health issues. At the root of this concept is the acknowledgment that recovery is an individual journey and each person requires a different level of support and responds to different types of resources to achieve that goal.

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* 26. In your opinion, has attending SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles improved your social capital? Check all that apply.

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* 27. In your opinion, has attending the SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles  improved your Cultural & Community Capital? Check all that apply.

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* 28. Is there another city / area you would like to see SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles offered? If so, please identify where.

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* 29. Is there any additional feedback you would like to provide?

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* 30. In your own words, please describe the impact SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles have made in your life.

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* 31. Do we have permission to share your words as a testimonial in media promoting SHE RECOVERS Sharing Circles (optional). Your submission will remain anonymous if you have chosen not to disclose your name. 

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* 32. First Name (optional)

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* 33. Last Name (optional)

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* 34. Email (optional)

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* 35. Would you like to receive the weekly SHE RECOVERS Together Online Gathering schedules, special invitations, and updates from SHE RECOVERS?