Question Title

* 1. What elements of Catholic education in southern Tasmania are working well?

Question Title

* 2. What do you believe to be the key issues currently facing Catholic education in southern

Question Title

* 3. What should St Aloysius look like in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years?

Question Title

* 4. Given a ‘blank canvas’, how would your school community see the provisioning of
Catholic Education in Southern Tasmania for the next 20 years, in respect to
i. Pre-compulsory schooling (birth to 4)
ii. Early child hood schooling (kinder to grade 2)
iii. Primary schooling (grades 3 to 4)
iv. Middle schooling (grades 5 to 8)
v. Secondary schooling (grades 9 to 10)
vi. Senior secondary schooling (grades 11 and 12)

Question Title

* 5. Again, thinking about the ‘blank canvas’, what is the view of your school community in
relation to:
i. Maintaining the Catholic Identity
ii. Vocational education and training provisioning
iii. Single sex and co-educational schooling
iv. Alternative structures for schooling having regard to factors such as, but not limited
to, gifted students, students with special learning needs, flexible learning, on-line
delivery methods etc.

Question Title

* 6. What do you see as the potential risks/ challenges in moving towards the future you

Question Title

* 7. What do see as being a transition pathway to move from now to the future you have

Question Title

* 8. What other matters would you like to raise, within the Terms of Reference that the review
should consider?