What would you like to see from YOUR Home & School Club?

INTRODUCTION: Kirstie Feist (Griffin/2nd and Holland/K) and Jennifer Ishii-Yu (Nicholas/2nd) are your new HSC Co-Presidents! Our mission is to be inclusive and welcoming to the entire Vallecito community. We are conducting this Vallecito Parent Survey because we want to hear from ALL of our Vallecito families and caregivers. We value your feedback and fresh perspectives. Everyone’s voice matters and YOUR input is important and necessary to continue to build an inclusive community. Thank you for time and feedback in helping us learn more about how to best serve our Vallecito community!
PARENT SURVEY PURPOSE: The Vallecito Home & School Club would like to learn more about the wants, needs and wishes of our awesome Vallecito community so that we can make plans and decide what we want to accomplish in the next year. We organize over 50 activities throughout the school year and these events are 100% run by volunteers. Providing support for our school staff and enrichment activities for our students, we aim to include a mix of community-building events and activities.

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* 1. Current HSC sponsored events include Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival & Truck or Treat, Scholastic Book Fair, Winter Family Evening Event (previously Chinese New Year Event). What other Family Friendly HSC Events would you like to see at Vallecito?

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* 2. Would you be interested in Adult Only Community Building Events?

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* 3. In what way might your work/skills/hobbies/interests/passions help the Vallecito Community?

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* 4. Would you, your employer or someone you know be able to donate or supply goods, services or expertise (prizes, discounts, supplies, tours, food/beverage, school assembly or parent workshop topics, etc.?) Please specify.

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* 5. How would you like to receive communication from/about the HSC? Please rank in order of preference.

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* 6. Tell us more… let us know what you think about kid/adult activities and offerings, feedback on ways you can help, and how you would like to be involved with Vallecito.

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* 7. Would you like to become more active in the Home & School Club? Send us your contact info (name, email and phone) and let us know what you are interested in and how you might like to get involved! We can use your help!

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* 8. What grade level are your child(ren)?

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* 9. Thank you for your participation in this survey. There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved directly with our students or behind the scenes! Your ongoing support, whether it be volunteering your time and talents or attending our events, helps us build a supportive community for our school. Our mission is to promote and maintain the cooperation between home, school, and our local community. Thank you for all you do for Vallecito! Add any other comments below.