The purpose of this survey is to gauge your school’s current status on the third level of the Marzano High Reliability Schools™ framework. The levels of school effectiveness and high reliability are based on Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s research and practical experience working with teachers, schools, and districts in all 50 United States and internationally over the past four decades.

Level 3 has six leading indicators which address the extent to which a school’s curriculum provides opportunities for all students to learn challenging content that is aligned with national and state standards.

The bedrock for high reliability status level 3 is a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Operationally, this means that the “guaranteed” curriculum provides clear guidance regarding the content to be addressed in specific courses and at specific grade levels. Additionally, it means that individual teachers do not have the option to disregard or replace content that has been designated as essential to a specific course or grade level. Viability means that the content teachers are expected to address can be adequately addressed in the time teachers have available for instruction.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey.

Copyright Robert J. Marzano, 2014. All rights reserved.