Presentation 2021-2022 BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Executive Committee Members Beginning Their Term:

Ben Honigman - Chair
Currently Vacant - Chair Elect (Chair for 2022-2023 term)
Ethan Waldman - Past Chair
Treasurer - Finance Committee remains active and fills the role collectively
Currently vacant - Vice Chair of Programming, Acts of Kindness (Chesed, Inclusivity, Tikkun Olam and Social Action)
Currently vacant  - Vice Chair of Programming, Joyous and Worship 

Executive Committee Members Continuing Their Term (vote not required):

Bob Stephens - Vice-Chair of Administration
Linda Treibitz  - Secretary 
David Gordon - Vice-Chair of Integrated Learning

Elected Board Members (At-Large) Beginning or Renewing Their Term:

Laurie Cohn
Sherry Martin

Elected Board Members (At-Large) Continuing their Term (vote not required):

Debbie Goodman
Rachel Clark

Havurah Appointed Board Members (According to our by-laws, members need not vote for Havurah-appointed Board members):

Aytz - Sharon Haber 
B'kavod Jose Diaz - Shauna Morgan Sherman 
D'Zera - Marcey Birenboim 
Gadila - Janet Sherman
HaMakor - Mark Brown
Michpacha - Kate Tribbett 
Ruach - Owen Chariton 
Yofi - Bill Goldberg 

Thank you for taking the time to complete your ballot for our 2021-2022 B'nai Havurah Board of Trustees.

All members are asked to vote no later than June 5, 2021. For the election to be legitimate, we must receive votes from a majority of our adult members. If you are a two-adult member family, we ask that both partners complete the ballot.

Much has happened in the past year, both in the world around us and at B'nai Havurah, with more plans underway for the coming year. We thank you for your support and your investment in our governance process through your completion of the ballot below and your attendance at our Annual Meeting, held virtually over Zoom, scheduled for Sunday, June 6 from 2:00 - 3:30 pm.

At the Annual Meeting, we'll review our successes and challenges of 2020 and thank our departing leadership. We'll discuss our shared vision and goals for the 2021-2022 term (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) while we meet our newly elected Board of Trustees. Click here to register for the Annual Meeting and view our agenda.

Thank you for voting for your 2021-2022 Board of Trustees! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.


Ethan Waldman, Chair, Board of Trustees

Question Title


Please include your first and last name, below. It is not required for you to include your name, but this will allow us to track who has voted and will be helpful to us in tracking the required quorum of voters needed.

Question Title

* 2. Please place your vote for our Officers and Members requiring a vote.

Question Title

* 3. I am not voting for the entire slate, and voting for individuals.

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any comments? Please comment below.

Thank you for completing the ballot.  TO COMPLETE YOUR VOTE, PLEASE SELECT "SUBMIT MY VOTE" BELOW.

Again, we hope to see you at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 6,  from 2:00 - 3:30 pm.

CLICK HERE to register for the meeting.