Baseline Survey

As part of our research we would appreciate a couple of minutes of your time to complete this anonymous survey. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Please select which leadership role you are interested in

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* 4. What are you hoping to get out of succession planning most?

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* 5. Have you previously acted in a higher grade role?

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* 6. Which area are you currently employed?

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* 7. Answer each of these questions as to 'how confident would you feel?'

  Not at all confident Not very confident Neutral Confident Very confident
Acting in a higher grade role
Progressing my career
Applying for promotion
Analysing a long term problem to find a solution
Representing your work area in meetings with senior management
Designing new procedures for your work area
Making suggestions to management about ways to improve the working of your area
Contributing to discussions about organisational strategy
Writing a proposal to spend money in your work area
Helping to set targets/goals in your area
Contacting people outside the organisation (eg client groups and other service provider groups) to discuss problems
Presenting information to a group of colleagues
Visiting people from other departments to suggest doing things differently

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* 8. is there anything further we can do to assist you with your career choices

As you may know, part of our commitment to participants in the SPP we are able to offer you assistance with completion of written Selection Criteria or with mock interviews. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or on my work mobile if you need to organise an appointment for a mock interview.
Thank you so much for your time
Jonathan Magill
Mobile: 0477334421
Baseline Survey Finalv2                     Succession planning project           November 2016