Emerging Sustainability Leaders

Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) is requesting application for its 2024 Awards Program. The Awards are designed to recognize and raise awareness of sustainability successes within the automotive value chain, while promoting knowledge sharing and transfer of proven solutions across the automotive industry.

This application form may be used to nominate an individual SP member as a Shining Star. The Shining Star award recognizes and celebrates individual emerging sustainability leaders within SP member companies.

All current SP members of any age are eligible to be nominated as emerging leaders, based on their engagement in SP within past 2-3 years. Self-nominations are welcome.

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Information
Please complete the following information for the main point of contact for this award nomination.

Question Title

* 2. Nominees' Contact Information
Please complete the following information for the person being nominated for the Shining Star award.  Self-nominations are allowed.

Question Title

* 3. Nomination Rationale
Please discussion in detail why you feel this person should be considered for the Shining Star Award.   We encourage you to highlight any specific examples of exemplary efforts in developing and improving environmental sustainability programs, as well as leadership and engagement in SP efforts. (2000 character limit)

Question Title

* 4. (Optional) Supporting Materials

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 5. Disclaimers & Eligibility Confirmation
Nominees must be employees of current SP member companies to be eligible for this award.

Certain information submitted to SP regarding a prospective award may be used in marketing and communications related to the SP awards program. SP will consider all application form entries as public information. 

SP reserves the right not to issue an award if certain criteria are not met, including receipt of a sufficient number of qualified applicants.