The Finance Facts web page is designed to help inform our community about Shakopee Public Schools’ planning to tackle impending financial challenges and examine options for building a path to long-term financial stability.

Once you have reviewed the information on the Finance Facts webpage, including watching this video of the financial outlook presentation, please take a few minutes to answer these questions. Your input will help us provide clear and timely information as the School Board and district leadership explore various options for financial stability.

Question Title

* 1. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know/Refused
The Finance Facts website helped me understand the school district’s financial outlook and impending financial challenges.
The Financial Outlook video that explained the options being considered was easy to understand.
The school district is being open and transparent in this financial planning process.
If voters approved an operating levy on the November 2020 ballot, school property taxes would not increase until 2022. This additional year without a tax increase would make me more likely to support the levy request.
Knowing the district is also making budget cuts to address the impending financial challenges and reduce the amount of levy increase needed would make me more likely to support a levy request.

Question Title

* 2. I would support a property tax increase to:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know/Refused
Maintain quality programming and learning opportunities for students
Attract, retain, and fairly compensate high-quality teachers
Build a path to long-term financial stability
Avoid cuts to teachers
Maintain current class sizes
Avoid budget cuts of more than $5 million for the 2021-22 school year
Help fill the gap left by inadequate state funding
Build the school district’s fund balance back to the level recommended in school board policy #714 for financial stability, cash flow and unanticipated expenses
I would not support any tax increase for the Shakopee Public Schools

Question Title

* 3. If you have questions or comments, please list them here, and include your email address so we can respond.

Thank you for your input!
Your voice matters and will help us as we move forward.
Please click the “Done” box below to submit your responses.