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About the Hx P.I.

At an office consultation, clearly the history of what you have experienced with "long-term" COVID-19 is essential material. It is the foundation for all the rest. It shouldn't get cut off to fit a time slot. It also helps by informing how well you fit in with the "Quick Impressions" sub-group of our study. It often suggest something that may have nothing to do with COVID but is still important for you. And of course, all of your responses will remain private. Instead of using your name, use a study ID# with this format: "QI-initials or pseudonym-year of birth."  Mine would be QI-WJO-1950. It should be used for all surveys as we study together this intervention and your "Quick Impressions" about it.

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* 1. Enter your assigned number for this study. As explained elsewhere, for those in the "Quick Impressions" group, it should be: QI- + initials (made up if you prefer) + year of birth. Mine looks like "QI-WJO-1950."

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* 2. Enter Today's Date (dd/ mm/ yyyy)


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* 3. Confirm that these responses were given during the pre-intervention period. Usually, Day 0.

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* 4. Enter a date for when you last felt well before COVID. If not at 100%, your usual state of health. (Format is DD/MM/YYY).


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* 5. Enter a date for when your COVID-related illness began


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* 6. "This all started with..." :

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* 7. The questions that follow, asking for a text response, each have a limit of 4000 characters. That will vary between 570 and 1000 words. If you need more space to complete your response, (which may happen often with “long-term” COVID-19 respondents) gather them up without hesitation and send them to the principal investigator by email. You have that address.

Here's the first: 
(Q7) What were the first symptoms that you experienced, and told you that something was amiss ?

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* 8. What were the initial tests that were done, and what were the positive and negative results ? (Can also add a few dates as needed here).

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* 9. In response to your presentation at the time, what did the "healthcare system" (or MD, or Primary Care Provider) suggest was the problem? Was a diagnosis pronounced? And if so, what?

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* 10. Initially, what were the treatments you received ? Were there subsequent interventions made at a later time ? What were these, and when?

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* 11. At present, what is the "Treatment Plan" suggested by your MD, PMD, specialists, other members of "the healthcare system" or practitioners of Alternative Medicine ?

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* 12. If as of today, you feel that those mentioned in Q11 above have left you without a Plan, how are you approaching this on your own each day ?

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* 13. Links to the past may be vital in understanding when & why one isn't quite in the best of shape today. Please summarize any Past Medical History (Hx), Family Hx, Social Hx (smoking/ drinking are the usual items asked here). Include what is called a "Review of Systems." (Start at your head, and work down ... General 'wellness' issues, Allergies, HEENT, Lungs, Heart, Abdominal problems, Genito-urinary, extremities, neurologic problems, psych. problems, endocrine (like diabetes). All health issues you already knew about before L-T COVID, or those passed over in the Hx of Present Illness above.

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* 14. Medicines prescribed or other from the past, and those you take now.

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* 15. Thanks again for the above responses. If you have suggestion(s), something else to say, do it here. If you found the imposed character limit (SurveyMonkey, not me) a hassle, write out the rest and send it by email as already proposed. Perhaps refer each additional item to a Question Number as used above. Thanks again ! I end by including again, the related sites: & 

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