Question Title

* 2. Please indicate whether the information presented by the expert was clear and effective:

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Dr. Shaun Goodman
Dr. Atul Verma
Dr. Marc S. Sabatine

Question Title

* 3. Did the presenter make a disclosure statement?

  Yes No Not sure
Dr. Shaun Goodman
Dr. Atul Verma
Dr. Marc S. Sabatine

Question Title

* 4. Did you perceive any degree of bias in any part of the presentation?

  Yes No
Dr. Shaun Goodman
Dr. Atul Verma
Dr. Marc S. Sabatine

Question Title

* 5. Additional questions:

Please indicate your response to the questions below by applying the following scale:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The program met my educational expectations
This program allowed adequate time for interaction (minimum 25% of session)
The subject was relevant to my practice
The overall format was effective for learning

Question Title

* 6. From what you have learned, what will you be able to apply to your practice? What potential barriers do you anticipate and how will you overcome them?

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate which topics related to this program and therapeutic area that you would like to hear more about in the future:

Question Title

* 8. How did you hear about Breaking News from ACC.17 iMedicus?

Question Title

* 9. Did this event adhere to CMA guidelines governing the relationship between physicians and industry?

Question Title

* 10. Additional comments: