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We’ve created this questionnaire to gain a better understanding of your experience and point of view towards the neighborhood where you live, the community, the administration, and your relationships with neighbors.

Please answer the questions from your personal point of view – all answers are the right answers. The better we understand your views the more influence you will have over the place where you live. Your answers are anonymous, and we’ll only show statistical data.

Thank you for taking part in the questionnaire


Question Title

* 1. The name of the council in which you live

Question Title

* 2. Which city/settlement do you live in

Question Title

* 3. Age

Question Title

* 4. Gender

Question Title

* 5. Education

Question Title

* 6. Which description reflects your family’s economic situation

Question Title

* 7. How would you describe yourself? (check all the relevant answers)

Question Title

* 8. How would you describe your spiritual identity

Question Title

* 9. What’s your marital status

Question Title

* 10. Do you have children

Question Title

* 11. How old are your children

Question Title

* 12.
Do you define yourself as disabled (you have a physical, mental, or cognitive, temporary or permanent disability, that effects your day-to-day life)

Question Title

* 13. One of my family members, who currently lives with me, is defined as disable

Question Title

* 14. Do you or one of your immediate family own the home you live in

Question Title

* 15. How many years have you lived in your city/ settlement

Question Title

* 16. Were you born in the city/ settlement you currently live in

Question Title

* 17.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Not at all Somewhat Avarge To a large extent To a Very  large extent
I feel that the people who live where I live care about me
If I should have a problem, people where I live will come together to help me out
I also help people that I don’t personally know where I live
If something should happen to me (e.g. if I fell), I know there will be someone there to help me
In a crisis, members of my community will mobilize to help people in need
Where I live, people will help one another irrespective of their religion, origin, age, or social group

Question Title

* 18.
 In the past 12 months, which of the following did you do to help neighbors that are not your close friends or family? You can select more than one option

Question Title

* 19.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral agree Strongly agree
I feel that I belong in the place I live
I am proud to tell people about where I live
I hope to continue to live in the same location for a long time to come
The place where I live is part of my identity

Question Title

* 20.
Please select where you use or participate in the following services and activities

  Where I live Outside the place I line in because the service is not available there Outside the place I line in despite the availability of the service in there I do not use this service
Family or children’s doctor
Group activities (study groups, mothers’ group, business colleagues, sports teams etc.)
School or kindergarten
Area for joint activity- Communal garden
Groceries and food
Study groups and activities

Question Title

* 21.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral agree Strongly agree
I have friends in the place where I live
It’s easy to establish contact with people where I live
I feel connected to the people who live where I live
Many of my neighbors know me
In my neighborhood I also talk to people that I’m not close to
In my neighborhood I also have good relationships with people of different backgrounds (culture, religion, ethnicity, etc.)

Question Title

* 22.
How have you interacted with people in your neighborhood who are not your family (parent/brother/sister/grandfather/grandmother or uncle). You can select more than one option.

Question Title

* 23. In the last year, which of the following community events or meetings did you participate in with a group of people that you do not (usually) belong to

Question Title

* 25.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I can influence what happens where I live
I feel that I can influence organizations where I live
People in my neighborhood ask me to help advance local matters
I am involved with decisions and processes that focus on where I live
I feel that my opinions and interests are important to the institutions and organizations that operate in my neighborhood

Question Title

* 26.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I feel a responsibility to make my neighborhood a nice place to live in
I am willing to take-on tasks and jobs that advance my neighborhood and its residents
I feel it is important to contribute to where I live
I care about where I live

Question Title

* 27.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Agree Strongly 
I think that people where I live are willing to spend time helping to advance mutual goals
I think it’s possible to mobilize people where I live to advance mutual goals
I think that, when necessary, people where I live unite and engage in joint activities
I think that people and groups where I live are capable of advancing mutual goals

Question Title

* 28.
 Select the activities that you participated in over the last year? You can select more than one option

Question Title

* 29.  With which of the following characteristics do you identify the most

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* 31.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I need a sense of community in the place I live
I believe that a sense of community is important in the place I live
I’m familiar with my local community center and the activities and services that they offer
I participate in events and activities organized by my local community center
My children participate in activities organized by my local community center
Generally speaking, I am interested in participating in events that take place where I live
The community center where I live advances a sense of community in our neighborhood
Generally speaking, I have a good relationship with my local community center
Generally speaking, I am satisfied with my local community center
My council functions properly in an emergency
My city/settlement is organized for an emergency
I have a lot of trust in the decision makers on my council
The residents of my city/settlement know what their role is in an emergency

Question Title

* 32.
 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Disagree Somewhat agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
There is a sense of mutual guarantee between the residents of the regional council where I live
Residents of the regional council where I live will be there for each other when needed
I am proud to tell people that I belong to the regional council where I live
I feel a sense of belonging to the council where I live
I often visit other localities in the council - in addition to visits regarding education and work
Generally speaking, there is a connection between the residents of my locality and other localities in the council
I believe that cooperation between residents from different localities in the council helps to advance common goals

Question Title

* 33. What is your occupation?

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