The US population is becoming increasingly more diverse. By the year 2044 the US will achieve “majority minority” status. Studies show that across numerous medical disciplines, minorities have been underrepresented in clinical research trials. For example, while Hispanics account for 16% of the US population they comprise only 1% of the clinical trial research population.

Adequate representation by a broad and diverse cross section of the population is important for the generalizability of the study findings in regards to a medication’s efficacy, safety, and side effect profile.

About this Survey
The purpose of this survey to the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) membership is to gauge the proportion of SOCS members who serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) in clinical research studies and to also assess provider related barriers in the recruitment of minority patients into dermatologic clinical trials/research studies.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently or have you ever participated in a clinical trial as an investigator?