NAMI CA Program Training Support Application:

The National Alliance on Mental Illness-California (NAMI-CA) is the statewide affiliate of the country’s largest mental health advocacy organization, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. We are the leading organization of individuals working with mutual respect to provide help, hope and health for those affected by mental illness.

The role of the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) is to oversee the implementation of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). The MHSOAC is also responsible for developing strategies to overcome stigma. For more information regarding MHSOAC, please visit

About the Program Training Support Opportunity:
The Mental Health Oversight and Accountability Commission has awarded NAMI CA funding to support engagement and program development. Your affiliate organization could be eligible to receive training support up to $1,500 by applying today. This would help affiliates across the state to conduct local trainings that reach diverse communities. The program training opportunities that NAMI Affiliates can apply for are:

- Connections Facilitator Training- $1,500.00
- Conexion Facilitator Training- $1,500.00
- Persona a Persona Mentor Training- $1,500.00
*only three affiliates total will be selected for these opportunities

Below is a list of expectation for this opportunity:
· Coordinate the complete local training 
· Select their own state trainers, making arrangements for the trainers (including lodging and travel arrangements)
· Adhere to the NAMI Signature Policies and Signature Program Code of conduct 
· Submitting the following to NAMI California after completion:
(i) Photos of the training
(ii) A Program Training Report from the site coordinator of the event, each trainer, training
(iii) Complete a brief follow up report to NAMI California three months after the training.

Eligible applicants include NAMI Affiliates leaders from NAMI Affiliates that are re-affiliated or in the process will be given higher consideration.

Note: All applicants are required to attend a mandatory webinar training in order to be considered for training support. Questions will be answered during the webinar.

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* 1. Affiliate/Organization Name: 

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* 2. Main Contact Person Name: 

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* 3. Main Contact Email Address:

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* 4. Main Contact Phone Number: 

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* 5. Main Contact for the Training Support (if different from previous questions): (name, title, phone number, email address)

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* 6. NAMI Affiliates that are re-affiliated or in the process will be given higher consideration. Is your affiliate re-affiliated or in the process?

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* 7. Organization Overview: Briefly describe your organization's mission, how long it has served the community, examples of your work in the areas of mental health education, programming, outreach and/or advocacy. (250 word max)

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* 8. Insurance : Does your organization maintain general liability insurance? If so, please indicate the insurance limit. If not, please type 'no'. (An answer of no will not disqualify your application, but your organization may be required to obtain insurance.)

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* 9. Program Support Selection: Please select the Program Training you plan to implement in your county: (Note: Organizations are responsible for the full execution and costs of the training if they exceed the amounts they had initially planned for. Applicants will need to turn in separate applications for each training they wish to recieve support for.)

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* 10. Expected Date of the Local Training:


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* 11. Population Demographics: Please describe the demographics of the population you expect to serve with the training support to conduct a local training. Check all that apply:

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* 12. Geographic Focus : What counties will your training serve?

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* 13. Number Served : Please state the total number of individuals you expect to reach directly through the local training. If others will benefit from the training indirectly, please explain.

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* 14. LOCAL TRAINING OVERVIEW: Please describe how you propose to use the training support, addressing the following questions:  

1) What specific parts of the local training would the training support help in? 
2) Who will be involved in implementing the local training in your area?
3) What is your timeline for implementation?

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Outcomes, Impact and evaluation

Please describe, as specifically as possible, the outcomes you expect the local training to produce and the overall impact you expect the training will achieve. Explain how you will measure and evaluate your success. (250 words maximum)

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Who are you collaborating with to implement the training? Please specify the name of the organization/entity/group and why you have partnered? (Ex. to reach a larger audience, to work together in recruitment, share resources, etc.)

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Connection to Community 

Please explain how your local training would connect with and advance the needs of your community. (150 words maximum)

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Lasting Benefits

Given that this is a one time training support opportunity, please explain how future trainings will be supported in the future, or how a one-time training support opportunity might produce lasting benefits (150 words maximum)

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Program Expenses

Please list all projected program expenses, including amounts. Examples of allowable expenses include, but are not limited to: trainer payments, venue, food for participants, manuals, outreach and promotion, etc.

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* 20. Before closing this application, please further explain why this opportunity would be important to your affiliate/county or anything you would like to add.”

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* 21. Do you have any questions/concerns? If so, please list your email along with your question.