1. 2017 EARTH COES Teacher Workshop - Presurvey

Thank you for joining us for the 2017 EARTH Climate and Ocean Education Symposium. We are looking forward to a great workshop co-hosted by MBARI, World Teach, and Stevenson School  with funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation (to MBARI).
 We are asking you to complete this survey prior to the beginning of the workshop - by answering these questions and submitting your answers you are agreeing to participate in the survey. 

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1. What is your affiliation with WorldTeach

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2. What is your training/schooling in the sciences. Check all that apply.

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3. Are you ...?

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4. If you are a formal educator - what grade/grade level will you be teaching during the next school year (2017-2018) (check all that apply)?

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5. How many years have you been teaching (check one)?

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6. What is your school setting (check one if you know)?

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7. What subject(s) will you be teaching next year?

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8. What is the racial/ethnic mix of students at your school (use percentages - approximations are fine)? If you are not sure or are not currently teaching you can leave this question blank.

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9. How do you currently teach your students about Climate Change?

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10. Rate your content knowledge (1 - I'm a total novice to 7 - I'm an expert) on the following:

  I'm a total novice 2 3 4 5 6 7
Climate Change in the Pacific Islands
Climate Change in general
Sea Level Rise
Ocean Acidification
Global warming
surface currents in the Pacific
Ocean Literacy Principles

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11. Please tell us why you are attending this symposium - what do you hope to get as a result of your participation?

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12. On a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good), please rate how confident you feel teaching about:

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
accessing real data for science investigations
using real data to develop testable questions
designing an investigation to explore a question with data
conducting a self-designed investigation
creating data visualizations
interpreting data
synthesizing data
presenting results from an investigations to peers

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13. Is there a particular topic/theme/idea/subject that you are interested in but haven't had the time to develop into an activity or lesson plan?

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14. What curriculum standards will you be using next year?

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15. What is your training/schooling in computer and technology use?

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16. What is the computer/technology setup at your school?

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17. And for you and your students - what type of platform do you use primarily in your teaching?

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18. How often do you have your students use computers at school as part of their lesson?

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19. How often do you have your students use the internet/world wide web as part of their lesson?

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20. How often do you have your students:

  Never Less than once a month Once a month 2-3 times/month Once a week 2-3 times/week Daily
collect data outside
collect data in the lab/classroom
find real-time or archived data from online sources
analyze data that they collected
analyze real-time or archived data from online sources

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21. What skills do you think your students need to be able to investigate an open-ended science investigation question?

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22. If you have used real-time or near-real-time data in your teaching, please tell us what type of data and from which sources?

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23. Thank you for completing this survey. Feel free to leave any additional comments in the box below.