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Fleetfoot's Rise Cover

Fleetfoot's Rise Cover

Question Title

* 1. Please write the best email to use to contact you regarding this book in the text box below.

Fleetfoot's Rise begins...

Finnley Von Fleetfoot, last of the Light Launchers, lay drained . . . desolate . . . defeated.  

For far too long, Oregonians had been stewing in a wintery gloom. They needed a Light Launcher to return light and joy to the damp and dark—a Light Launcher capable of keeping a spark of hope alive as they navigated a gauntlet of near impossible challenges. Success required resilience, deep dedication, and gobs of courage, not to mention the ability to avoid plenty of personal pitfalls and the ever-present danger of murk worms – icky creatures intent on extinguishing the fire of the hopeful.

Question Title

* 2. Will you be able to pick up a copy of Fleetfoot's Rise from Friends of the Children's offices at 465 Washington Street in Eugene when printing is complete this summer?