Help Plan the 2014 Employment First Conference

WI-BPDD and WI-APSE are joining together to host the first Wisconsin Employment First Conference on April 3rd, 2014 at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. This conference is for anyone that is interested in helping Wisconsin achieve its goal of doubling the number of people with disabilities in integrated employment by 2016! Please help us make the conference be the best that it can be by completing this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the item(s) that best desribes you.

Question Title

* 2. Rate the importance of including the following activities in the 2014 WI Employment First Conference

  Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important
Developing a statewide action plan to increase Integrated Employment (IE)
Developing local action plans to increase IE
Networking/connecting with other people
Learning about advocacy efforts to expand IE in WI
Learning about innovative IE initiatives happening in WI
Learning about resources that support people with disabilities to get jobs
Hearing from people with disabilities about how they got their jobs and how it has impacted their lives
Hearing from businesses that are hiring people with disabilities
Providing opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts to expand IE
Learning about National efforts to expand IE
Learning about evidenced based practices that increase IE
Learning about Employment First efforts happening in WI
Learning about Employment First efforts happening Nationally
Review of the employment data in WI--both statewide and by county