SAN Ambassador Profile 2018-2019

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* 1. Full Name:

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* 2. Preferred Name:

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* 3. 2018-2019 Grade:

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* 4. Advisor:

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* 5. What town do you live in?

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* 6. What grade did you enter Cannon School?

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* 7. Why did you choose to come to Cannon School?

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* 8. Do you have a sibling who currently attends Cannon School?

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* 9. What is your favorite class?

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* 10. In 2018-2019, I will be taking the following world language class:

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* 11. In 2018-2019, I will be taking the following Fine Arts class:

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* 12. In 2018-2019, I will be taking the following math class:

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* 13. Athletics: Please list your involvement with Cannon athletics - teams, strength & conditioning, summer workouts, etc.

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* 14. Arts: Please list your involvement with Cannon School arts - visual arts,  musical arts, theater, etc.

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* 15. Clubs/Student Government/ House System and Other Activities: List the on campus activities you are or have been involved with at Cannon.

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* 16. Volunteer Experiences/Community Service: List your volunteer experiences/community service projects that you are involved with - feel free to include both on and off campus experiences. 

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* 17. A prospective student or parent asks you: Why should I/my child come to Cannon School? What would you tell them? Why?

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* 18. We are so glad you want to be an active student ambassador!  Please share with us what areas you are most interested in helping with: