The Annual People's Assembly will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 19, 2022 in Port Alberni at the Best Western Barclay Hotel, 4277 Stamp Ave. Port Alberni, BC

Please fill out the registration form as best as you can to help the events coordinator know how many citizens will be attending for planning food and travel, etc.

Early bird registration deadline is Friday, October 28 (prize $100 gift card).

Deadline to register for the 2022 People's Assembly is Friday, November 4. Anyone who registers after this date will be reimbursed for their travel and accommodations. Please keep your travel receipts for reimbursement.  Gas cards will be handed out at the end of the People's Assembly.

Please view proposed agenda here.

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the Huu-ay-aht Government Offices at 250-723-0100 (Port Alberni) or 888-644-4555 (Anacla).

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* 1. Your first and last name

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* 2. Birthdate

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* 3. Names of adults (18+) who will be attending with you:

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* 4. Your Contact Information

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* 5. Please provide first names and ages of the children who will be attending with you.

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* 6. Will you be requiring childminding?

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* 7. Do you have any food allergies?

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* 8. If yes to allergies, please specify.

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* 9. Will you be able to attend a Cultural Night on Saturday?

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* 10. Will you be able to attend a Cultural Night on Friday?

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* 11. Are you travelling with someone to the People’s Assembly?

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* 12. If you are travelling with someone, please provide their name.

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* 13. I acknowledge that the 2022 People's Assembly is an alcohol and drug free event.