We need your help to shape our digital platform that connects individuals sharing similar interests in recreational sports.Sometimes, moving to a new city is challenging as one needs to make new friends, and join new social groups for well-being. Connecting through sports has proven to be one of the ways to socialize and stay fit. Although, it can be tough finding people who play the same sport you love, and nearly impossible finding ones matching the skillset you are looking for!

Imagine, an ideal digital product that helps bridge this gap! We're asking for your input to develop a community-centric platform that would improve the journey for connecting through recreational sports.

Your input is valuable to us in our research. This survey will take about 2-3 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential.

Please note: This survey is for a post pandemic world 

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* 1. How often do you play recreational sports? Select only one option.

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* 2. Which sport do you play or would you be interested in playing? Select up to two options.

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* 3. Where do you generally play? Select all that apply.

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* 4. What will encourage you to play more? Select up to three goals.

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* 5. How do you prefer to play? Select only one option.

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* 6. Do you find it challenging to meet individuals with similar interests for a sport(s) you like? Select only one option.

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* 7. According to you, who would you be your ideal opponent(s) based on the skillset? Select only one option.

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* 8. According to you, who would you be your ideal teammate(s) based on the skillset? Select only one option.

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* 9. Would you be interested in using a free app that connects you to individuals with similar goals and skills you are looking for? Select only one option.