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Thank you for applying to offer online groups/classes during this pandemic containment period through the Western Mass RLC / Wildflower Alliance. 

We are looking for any sort of fitness, art, or alternative healing practice that fits with the RLC's values (below) and people cannot currently access in person. This could include:
  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Skillsharing
  • Drawing
  • Dance
  • etc
This form will collect the information we need about you and what you are thinking of offering.
We will be offering $50 per group/class and have a few slots to fill. More groups may be added depending on interest and funding. Group duration will be for the quarantine period only, unless we find additional funding to continue. 
Please note: All groups need to be facilitated in line with the RLC's Defining Principles. This includes, among other things:
  • Self-Determination 
    • People are supported to interact with the group in whatever way works for them, this means just listening/watching is fine.
    • No calling crisis or police on people in distress, or pressuring people to do so. 
  • Healing Environment 
    • Non-gendered language is used, especially in physical activity groups where body parts are named.
    • Personal information is not shared outside the group except when the facilitator is seeking support in their role from an RLC supervisor.
    • Facilitators expected to have some background in trauma-sensitivity.
  • Genuine Human Relationships
    • Facilitators are expected to engage in an open, friendly way, including sharing how you are personally doing during this containment period. 
  • Respect
    • We all work together to avoid oppressive language, cultural appropriation, and microaggressions. 
    • Otherwise, peoples feelings, beliefs, and experiences are held, validated, and explored.
  • Potential for Change
    • Fears and concerns that come up are dealt with patiently and with the belief that we are able to work through things during these hard times.
  • Mutuality
    • For a group to function, it has to be working for everybody. Facilitators will be responsive to feedback from group members and also are expected to speak up for what they need. 

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* 1. Your Information

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* 2. Please describe briefly what kind of group you would like to hold

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* 3. What experience do you have running online groups? (Note: no experience is required we just want to have a sense of peoples' learning curves)

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* 4. Please describe any background you have with peer support and/or trauma sensitive practices

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* 5. If you have a website, youtube channel, etc. please link those here:

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* 6. Anything else you'd like us to know?

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