Dear Saint Michael School Community:

The search committee would appreciate your input into the desired characteristics that you are looking for in the next Head of School.  As we start the search process, we would appreciate it very much if you would take a few minutes and complete this link.  Your answers are confidential and will be shared as a whole with the search committee.  Carney Sandoe & Associates, our search firm, will be compiling the results for our use.

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* 1. Please choose your association with the school. Check the one area that best describes your major association with the school.

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* 2. Which three (3) of the following phrases best describe what you currently value most about The School?

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* 3. Which three (3) of the following areas should be priorities for improvement by the next Head of School?

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* 4. Which three (3) professional experiences do you believe are MOST IMPORTANT for the next Head of School to have had?

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* 5. Which three (3) characteristics or qualities would be MOST IMPORTANT for the ideal Head of School to possess?

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* 6. What are the main challenges the school must address over the next 2-3 years?

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* 7. Are there any other issues or thoughts you wish for the Search Committee to consider when searching for the next Head of School?

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* 8. If you would like to recommend a candidate, please list her/his name and contact information below.