Question Title

* 1. Are you a member at KRC?

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* 2. At what times do you currently attend group fitness classes during the week?

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* 3. How many classes do you attend per week?

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* 4. Your BLAF membership entitles you to attend other YMCA centres in Boroondara.  Do you attend group fitness classes at any of the following centres in Boroondara?

Question Title

* 5. Please rank how satisfied you are with the following aspects of the group fitness timetable at KRC

  1. Dissatisfied 3. Satisfied 5. Very Satisfied
Variety of class types
Convenience of days/times
Quality of instructors
Quality of equipment and facilities
Variety of music (for non Les Mills pre-choreographed classes)

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* 6. What class types would you like to see more of on the timetable?

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* 7. The following group fitness classes are being 'red starred' for review - which means classes may either be moved to a different day/time, removed altogether; a possible format change, or remain on the timetable with no change.  If you have attended any of these classes - or have any suggestions for alternative class formats at these times - please indicate your preferences and any comments for the following sessions:

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* 8. Do you have any comments or suggestions relating to our Group Fitness offerings at KRC?

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* 9. Do you have any feedback you would like passed onto the instructors at KRC?