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* 1. Did you feel that you were treated with compassion and respect during your hospital visit?

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* 2. Did staff introduce themselves to you before providing care?

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* 3. Did staff take your cultural values, or personal preferences, and those of your family or caregiver into account when making decisions about your care?
These things may include, but are not limited to, accessibility needs, interpreter assistance, visits by clergy, elders, or spiritual leaders. 

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* 4. Did staff explain your condition and treatment in a way you could understand?

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* 5. Were you satisfied that you had enough time to make decisions about your care? 

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* 6. Did you feel you were treated in a way that was helpful and supportive to you?

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* 7. When preparing to leave the hospital, did you feel you have a good understanding of how to manage your health at home?

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* 8. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for the care he or she provided during your stay? 

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* 9. Please rate SLMHC using any number from 1 - 10, where 1 is the WORST health centre possible and 10 is the BEST health centre possible.

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* 10. Would you recommend this Emergency Department to your family and friends based on the quality of care provided?

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* 11. Do you have any general comments or feedback for improvement that you would like to provide? 

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* 12. Would you like to be contacted about the information you provided in this survey? 

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* 13. Would you like to add your name to a list of clients to be contacted for input on future SLMHC projects/changes?

If you would like to provide additional feedback, please ask any staff member for a Compliment/Feedback Form.