SLAF Calls Survey by the LAO Lawyers Local of the Society of United Professionals

This survey is to help the Society of United Professionals, your union, identify if there are any issues or concerns from the LAO family law lawyers regarding SLAF calls. We want to know if and how the SLAF calls have impacted you and your working conditions. If you are a family law lawyer with LAO please take the time to answer this short survey (13 questions, estimated time to complete 5 minutes).

Would you also like to be involved in the solution? Please consider volunteering to work with us in addressing these issues. You can do so by emailing us at

Question Title

* 1. Are you expected, required or asked to do SLAF calls and/or do you volunteer to do SLAF calls?

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* 2. Are you provided with scheduled time to take/make SLAF calls or are you expected to take/make the calls "when you have the time"?

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* 3. Are you provided with adequate time for SLAF calls?

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* 4. Do SLAF calls interfere with your day-to-day work? If so, how?

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* 5. Do you feel that the SLAF responsibilities are divided equally/ fairly (within your office, within your region, etc)? Please elaborate in the comments section.

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* 6. How much of your time is devoted to SLAF calls?

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* 7. Are the SLAF calls that you take/make a productive and valuable use of a lawyer's time (i.e., are they legal questions, was the caller not able to get to a FLIC, did you need the caller to have to come in to review documentation in person anyway)? Please elaborate if possible.

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* 8. Select the statement that best describes your role/position at LAO (outside of making/taking SLAF calls).

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* 9. Do you experience challenges providing advise to clients who will not be attending for their legal matter at the courthouse out of which you work (and with which you are familiar with local practices)?
For example, do you struggle to help clients because you lack information such as knowledge of FLIC office hours for the nearest FLIC office for the client, DC services provided at the courthouse the client would be attending, how to give a FLSC referral, mediation services etc

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* 10. Do you have concerns regarding potential liability from giving legal advise over the phone without having the relevant person and/or documents in front of you? If yes, please explain your concerns and if there is an available solution please advise on this too.

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* 11. If you identified any issues or concerns with SLAF calls please
advise out of which office these issues arise.

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* 12. If you are comfortable doing so, please also provide us with your name and contact information. We will not divulge your name to LAO or to anyone else without your express permission to do so.

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* 13. Are there any additional comments you would like to make? If so, please use the space below.