SLA Volunteers are the Life of our Organization.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Special Libraries Association (SLA). The Call for Volunteers will be open until Friday, January 13, 2023.
There are three different types of volunteer opportunities for which you can apply:
1. Committee (1–3 year terms with regular meetings throughout each year)
2. Community (formally Chapter/Division/Caucus)
3. Micro-Volunteering (smaller, short-term opportunities including writing, speaking, sharing resources, and more)

SLA members are welcome to express interest in as many volunteer positions as you like. Please note that SLA members will not be appointed to more than one SLA Committee.
Once the survey closes, your application will be considered in the following ways:
1. If you apply for a Committee, you will be notified by early February with your placement.
2. If you apply to volunteer with your community, your application will be given to your community leader(s), who will follow up with you regarding the status of that appointment.
3. If you apply for a micro-volunteering opportunity, you will be contacted by SLA headquarters to get started.
Again, thank you for your interest in volunteering, and we look forward to partnering with you in 2023 and beyond!