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* 1. Based on your current comfort level, how likely are you to attend the Steubenville Youth conference during the summer of 2021?

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* 2. If you feel it is too early to tell, by which month do you think you will be able to decide?

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* 3. If you do plan to attend, please select all of the below statements that apply to you.

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* 4. As we continue to plan, please share any comments or questions you may have about the upcoming Steubenville Youth Conference. We may not yet have all the answers, but we will try to gather and respond as we can. 

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* 5. If you would like to share your contact information so that we can get back to you, please do provide the following. 

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1) This is an interest form only and students are not obligated to register at this time. Though, those who say they are interested should have a serious intention to participate so we know how many slots to request.
2) With current Covid-19 restrictions, parents are required to drive their own children to the conference and carpooling is not allowed at this time. If that changes in the coming months, we will inform families.
3) At this time, the state of MD requires residents who travel out of state to quarantine and be tested upon return. If that requirement is still in effect this summer, participants understand that they will need to follow this protocol.