Posture Program Week 2 Assessment

Complete the following questions to better understand your pain and help us improve the program!

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* 1. Employee ID (1001234 - for spouse add an S - ie. 1001234S)

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* 2. On a scale of 1-10 (1=no pain - 10=significant chronic pain)

Please rate the amount of musculoskeletal pain you are currently in (all joints, muscles, and body parts)

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* 3. Please check all areas of the body that you have pain and discomfort (at least once a week)

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* 4. Please select the number of times you completed the Week 2 Exercise Prescription for your Spine.

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* 5. Did you see improved functionality after completing the Week 2 Exercise Prescription for your Spine?

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* 6. Did you see decreased pain after completing the Week 2 Exercise Prescription for your Spine?

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* 7. Comments about current pain, discomfort, or improvements after Week 2?

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* 8. Besides participation in the Posture Program, are you currently trying to remedy your pain? If so, how? (Exercise, stretching, chiropractor, etc.)