The City of Whitehorse is undertaking a study of commercial and industrial lands outside of the Downtown core in advance of the upcoming review of the Official Community Plan (OCP), anticipated in 2018/19. The objectives of this study are to:

1. Assess and determine future demand for commercial and industrial lands within Whitehorse; and
2. Identify land use and other policy options to ensure the supply of commercial and industrial lands can meet future demand and industry needs.

This survey is intended for property and business owners and operators on lands within the following zones: CH-Highway Commercial, CIM-Mixed-Use Commercial/Industrial, IS-Service Industrial, and IH-Heavy Industrial. PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SURVEY IF THESE ZONES DO NOT APPLY TO YOU.

This survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. There are five sections: 

1. Your Property/Business
2. Commercial Lands 
3. Industrial Lands
4. Anything Else? 
5. Contact

Please only complete the survey once. Information collected will appear in a written summary, but will be kept anonymous to respect the privacy of your business. 

Thank you for your participation!