Please take a few moments to provide us with feedback for the workshop. 

Question Title

* 1. The workshop allowed me to understand cognition with the cognitive framework and to be  able to apply cognition knowledge to assessment and intervention of  my own profession

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* 2. The presenter was knowledgeable and effective in delivering the content related to cognition and perception post stroke. 

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* 3. The workshop gave me the knowledge to understand common changes in perception after stroke and to understand the impact of and individual's changed perception on my own practice

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* 4. The workshop was presented in a way that facilitated my learning outcomes.

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* 5. The pre-recorded portion of the workshop was an effective way to enhance  my learning.

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* 6. Recognizing that some technological issues are inevitable, the virtual format was effective in delivering this education.

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* 7. How could the workshop have been improved?  Your suggestion for changes in format, future more focused sessions etc, are appreciated. Please suggest any ideas that you may have for future workshops.