Dear Contacts and Colleagues,

The theme for the 2016 CIWEM Annual Conference is 2015 Paris Climate Change Summit: Outcomes and Implications for the Water and Environment Sector. The event will look at the key issues emerging from the summit in Paris and what this means for the water and environment sector.

Please fill in the relevant boxes below with your ideas, comments and suggestions, most sectors of the industry have been listed in the survey below for your convenience: please add your comments in the text box under each heading.

Many thanks for your help and continued support.

Question Title

* 1. Water management: water resources, water quality, wastewater management, global water security, and interactions with energy, food and carbon

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* 2. Flooding, urban drainage, surface water management, and the integration of water and flood management

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* 3. International financing, greening the economy

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* 4. Climate change and adapting on key infrastructure

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* 5. Natural environment

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* 6. Case Studies: European, International/ Global exemplars of brilliant and inspiring practice

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* 7. Integration and partnership working

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* 8. Mitigation and adaptation

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* 9. Innovation and new technologies

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* 10. Other