Our friends at The Johns Hopkins Hospital have been asked to develop a new edition of the Geriatric Home-Based Medical Care text (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319233642)

They would love to get input from our community on what to include in the text.

Here is a list of the chapters that were included in the first edition:
  1. Introducing Home-Based Medical Care 
  2. Getting Started with Home-Based Medical Care 
  3. Care Planning and Coordination of Services 
  4. How to Perform a House Call 
  5. Common Cognitive Issues in Home- Based Medical Care 
  6. Common Neurologic Issues 
  7. Adult Psychiatric Care in the Home 
  8. Common Functional Problems 
  9. Common Infections 
  10. Wound Care in Home-Based Settings 
  11. Social and Ethical Issues in Home-Based Medical Care 
  12. Palliative Care 
  13. Caregiving

Question Title

* Please provide any thoughts you may have as to additional chapters that should be included in the text or any other ideas on important items to include in the text (e.g., figures, tables, topics, etc.).

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