For the past year or so, in Conference Committee, your WSNA Officers have brought up that there appears to be a pattern of changes being made to your monthly master schedules by your Unit Scheduler.  While nurses may not “own” their schedules, the contract specifies that the employer will make a “good faith effort” to maintain master schedules. Our members have told us that month to month, schedule changes occur without notice. These changes have resulted in personal difficulty and stress, placing nurses into the position of having to seek coverage for what is supposed to be your regularly scheduled days off. Some have had to resort to requesting PTO 0.0 to ensure that you get your days off. We are collecting data in an aggregate fashion, unit by unit, to determine if there are patterns. We are wondering if this practice is occurring everywhere or just on some units. We have brought up the Schedulers’ workloads, that the Schedulers are responsible for an enormous number of schedules for Care-Givers. This may be a large part of the problem. Please take a moment to answer the questions below:

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Unit

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* 3. Shift (day/eve/night)

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* 4. Hours per shift (8/10/12)

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* 5. Does your scheduler change your master schedule?

If you answered No to the question above, please scroll down to the bottom of the survey and hit "Done".  Thank you for taking this survey and helping us get a better picture of the situation.

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* 6. If you answered Yes, how often?

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* 7. Does the scheduler communicate with you personally to ask if it's OK before your schedule is changed?

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* 8. Please tell us how changes in your master schedule have inconvenienced you? (check all that apply)

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* 9. Administration says if your schedule is posted and you find that you have to work on your “regular” days off, you are supposed to speak to your manager.  Have you had to do this?

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* 10. How often do you have to talk to your manager to get your schedule adjusted when it is different than your master schedule?

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* 11. If your master schedule changes frequently, how often do you have to request PTO 0.0 to ensure that you get your regular days off? (enter # times per month)