2023 Survey

Please report on the period of September 1, 2022-August 31, 2023. SIGMAA Annual Reports are due October 15. 

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* 1. Submission Information

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* 2. General SIGMAA Information

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* 3. Please describe any activities of your SIGMAA at MathFest or MAA section meetings.

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* 4. Please describe any activities of your SIGMAA outside of the MAA national or section meetings.

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* 5. Meetings of your SIGMAA Executive Committee/Board - Please indicate the process by which your SIGMAA officers met and/or did business, including frequency success of your process.

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* 6. Please find your SIGMAA's tab on the spreadsheet linked here and list your SIGMAA officer information.

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* 7. Electronic SIGMAA Services - Please describe utilization of electronic services, such a e-mailing to the SIGMAA membership, web page development, MAA Connect activity, electronic newsletter, etc. Comment on the success of such activities or problems encountered.

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* 8. Other Benefits of SIGMAA Membership Provided - Please describe any services, other than electronic services, provided to your SIGMAA’s membership.  Examples might be hard copy mailings of welcome letters to new members, a mailed newsletter or journal, etc.

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* 9. Finances - Please describe your major expenditures over the past year.

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* 10. Successful Ideas to Share - Please describe one (or several!) of the most successful activities (events, services, etc.) of your SIGMAA that other SIGMAAs might adopt or emulate.

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* 11. Please list any issues or concerns that arose that should be considered by the the Committee on SIGMAAs and MAA Communities team.