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This survey is part of the project “Mapping the aquaculture engagement and aquaculture literacy landscape” which is being undertaken by Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) and funded by the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC).

 A two-page project summary of the project is provided here.

The information collected through this survey will be used to inform activities to strengthen outreach and communications platforms and other external engagement for the Australian aquaculture sectors.

By building improved communication platforms and available content across the stakeholder spectrum, the Australian aquaculture industry will be better equipped to communicate their purpose and contribution to the goals of government, consumers, and the wider community.

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Please note, an asterix at the beginning of a question indicates that answering the question is mandatory.

You do not need to use the "ok" button after each question, instead you can continue scrolling. 
You can save this survey and come back to it later if you are not able to complete it in one sitting. To exit, use the exit button at any point of the survey in the top right-hand corner of your page. To re-enter the survey where you left off, make sure to re-open the original link you received ( in the same browser you were using previously. 
The data collected in this survey will be analysed to inform further discussions and reporting for the project being undertaken. Any data used in consultation or reporting will only be presented as de-identified aggregated data. 

All respondents who complete the survey in full, will go in the draw to receive one of five $100 eGift Cards from a leading Australian retailer (e.g. WISH eGift Card, Coles eGift Card or equivalent).

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Your contribution is appreciated.

If you have any queries, please contact either:
Julie Petty (SIA) or 0438165218
Jenny Margetts (P2P Business Solutions) or 0418215276