Wednesday, February 3, 2021 | 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET

Please complete this form to register for the SHSMD Webinar | Reaching Reluctant Patients Effectively During the COVID-19 Crisis sponsored by Cross Screen Media.

Event Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Event Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Central / 1:00pm-2:00pm Eastern

Presented by: Michael Beach, Chief Executive Officer, Cross Screen Media

Event Description:

Encouraging patients to return to health care facilities is challenging during these difficult times. In addition, communications regarding the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine places increased demands on health care marketers who are under pressure to reach their target audiences with compelling messages that will drive measurable impact…all on a limited budget.

The increasing convergence of TV and video advertising presents new opportunities to overcome these challenges, expand the impact of your budget and reach audiences more precisely, based on location and consumer behavior.

In this educational webinar, convergent TV experts will share new techniques in reaching health care audiences precisely and cost-effectively.  Dive into behavioral and multi-screen media consumption data to maximize reach and increase return on a tight budget. Presenters will share examples of how marketers have saved upwards of 30% and achieved desired outcomes despite a challenging environment. 

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand latest trends in traditional TV and digital video advertising and how they are impacting media reach and economics.
  • Gain new insights into media consumption behavior.
  • Learn new ways to reach your target audience at the local level more precisely and increase total reach.
  • Understand how to leverage various media channels more effectively.

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