What are we doing?

We are a UK-wide self harm support organisation called Self injury Support (www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk)

We offer support around self harm through a helpline, text service and online information.

Over the years we've realised that there are lots of different issues related to self harm such as trauma, hearing voices, having a learning difficulty and many other areas that people want to talk about where there is very little information out there.

We want to change this and want to develop information that is by and for people with personal experience of different issues - we'd like to use this survey to gather your views and experiences.
You don't have to answer every question - just the ones you feel able to comment on.

The survey is open to anyone regardless of gender identity.

Filling in the survey will have no impact on your ability to use our services.

If you find giving feedback distressing please stop and take a break.

If you need to talk to someone about how you're feeling please contact:

CASS Women's Self Injury Helpline:
M-F 7-10pm Th3-6pm on 0808 800 8088

24 hours 116 123

If you have any questions at all please contact:
Naomi Salisbury
Helpline Co-ordinator
0117 927 9600
Self injury Support
PO Box 3240

Question Title

* 1. Which area(s) would you like to share your views on? You can chose as many as you would like to and add your own suggestions at the bottom of the list.

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* 2. What would you most like people to know about the topic(s) you have chose above? If you chose more than one please write your ideas for each topic separately in this box.

Question Title

* 3. What do you think is useful information that could be shared in leaflets or guides about the topic(s) you chose above? If you chose more than one please write your ideas for each topic separately in this box.

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything you can suggest we can do to make you comfortable using our services?

Question Title

* 5. Are there any other people, organisations or websites you would recommend we look at to get more information about the topics you have written about?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything else you would like to say?

Question Title

* 7. Did you fill out this survey focusing on your experiences as:

Question Title

* 8. Would you be happy to be anonymously quoted in any information we produce? (If you want to be quoted with your name please leave contact details in the next questions)

Question Title

* 9. If you would like to be kept updated about the development of this information please leave contact details here. Your contact details will be separated from your answers, will not be shared with other organistations and will only be used to contact you about this work.